Dear Writer,
Your goal today is 1,667 words.
This is the first and probably the longest of my Nano daily posts for you. The purpose of these will be to give you a quick hit of inspiration, a fat orange cat (random detail to put into your scene when you have no idea what to put in your scene) and an inspirational quote. It’ll go like so:
Tip of the Day
Write crap. Deliberately. Lots of it. Copious piles of crap. Your internal editor will freak out at first, but by day five, they just give up and crawl away. Trust me on this one.
Fat Orange Cat
Your character picks up a coffee with someone else’s name on it.
“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.”
—Bruce Garrabrandt
There will also be an “I won” button at the bottom of every post.
When you win, click the button. It will send me an email that I will personally respond to with much excitement.
I will also include your name in the winner’s circle (which will appear in the daily post when we start getting winners) and you all will be celebrated with one of a series of goofy-ass gifs I made for you BECAUSE LOVE.
Here’s a sample of what’s to come:
Yeah. I made that. Which any of you could potentially share on the internet without context, making me the next “crazy lady on the internet” meme.
Do you feel loved? YOU SHOULD. I did that shit for you.
Now go write those words. I’m not publicly humiliating myself for NOTHING.