Dear Writer,
Your goal today is a total of 5,001 words.
And I have an update on the subscriber base; we’ve gained 10 subscribers, which brings us up to 167 subscribers. By the end of Nano the goal is to have doubled my original subscriber base, which was 157. That’s 314. And when we get there?
I watch The Muppet Christmas Carol. Live. On YouTube.
How do you help make that happened? Share this link on social media, in your writer groups, wherever:
So far… you guys are making me shake a bit. :)
Tip of the Day
Plant a three-beat that you'll reference later in the book. The first time you put it in, you're just establishing it. It's just there.
Fat Orange Cat
Put your favorite song on the radio in the background in your scene.
“When you make music or write or create, it’s really your job to have mind-blowing, irresponsible, condoles sex with whatever idea it is you’re writing about at the time.”
—Lady Gaga
Hey, did you hit 50k? If so, hit the button!