Dear Writer,
Your goal today is a total of 50,010 words.
Whether you got to 50k or not, whether you dropped out on day 2 or hit day 30 with 10k words, whether you even attempted Nano or not, today is a day of celebration for what we did, which was the best we could do right now, at this time.
So this is for all of us… but especially BRANDON SAIZ, who just told me he hit the 50k goal!
Tip of the Day
If you're struggling for word count at the last minute, today's a good day to use your free word count booster: Search and replace contractions in your entire document. Replace "can't" with "can not." Isn't with "is not." It is not cheating. It is creatively hitting your target, and it is absolutely fair.
Fat Orange Cat
Someone is forgiven.
“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose…not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.”
—Anne Sullivan Macy
Hey, did you win? If so, hit the button!