Dear Writer,
There’s one question you never, ever, EVER ask another writer.
And it is, “How’s the book going?”
Because if it’s going well, the writer will tell you that pretty much immediately. If you have to ask them about the book, it is not going well.
I learned that a long time ago, early in my career, when I asked a friend of mine how her book was going and she gave me a dose of severe side eye and growled, “Don’t ask.”
But the thing is, we all start writing because we’re chasing something, and usually, it’s joy. Writing is absolutely hard, but when you find yourself on the tail of that joy and then overtaking it… that’s amazing.
It’s why we do it to ourselves.
So, we already did a week about chasing our inspiration. This week, let’s chase our joy.
I apologize for asking exactly that on FB in October of 2019 (with Unruh chiming in, too!). I promise to never do that again. ❤️