Humble and Fabulous
Dear Writer,
In yesterday’s letter, we talked about tearing a daylight hole in the “not good enough” mindset, but we didn’t really address the other side of the no-daylight-zone, “Who do you think you are?”
Today, we’re gonna address that.
Your human value is not contingent upon you being other than what you are. You don’t have to be smarter, or thinner, or prettier, or taller, or more muscular, or less muscular, or anything other than what you are. Your value as a person exists, because you exist. It is there. You do not need to chase it.
When we feel bad about ourselves, we tend to judge each other. When others judge us because they feel bad about themselves, we in turn feel bad about ourselves. When we think we’re fabulous, and they say, “Who do you think you are?” we crawl away with our tails tucked between our legs, because this system is designed to make everyone feel like shit and that’s a problem.
You know how you interrupt that cycle? Just look at yourself and know you’re fucking fabulous.
We raise other people up by feeling good about ourselves, but the trick is, we have to feel good about ourselves first. When we can see the good in ourselves, we can see the good in the people around us, and reflect that goodness back at them because less of our energy is occupied with the toxic belief that there is a hierarchy to human value.
Humility is a good thing. Humility says, “I’m no better than you.” I’m all for humility, it’s good for the soul.
But you can be humble and fucking fabulous at the same time.
Give it a shot.