Dear Writer,
We left off yesterday with the task of giving form to and naming your inspiration avatar. Human or animal, doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you can see them in your mind, and that you imagine them as supportive.
Because the most important thing about your creative avatar is that you know they are on your side.
I’ve been watching a show lately. I’m not going to tell you which show because watching it can be triggering, especially for people with eating disorders, and it super triggered me. It features a character with a severe eating disorder, whose internal voice is cruel and brutal and omnipresent and…
…just like mine.
I’ve never separated from my internal voice long enough to really see how incredibly cruel it is. Remember yesterday, when I was talking about being tough? That’s my voice. Oh, you don’t want to do this? What makes you think you get to want to do it? Tough. Do it anyway. Quit whining. And your posture sucks.
I don’t know if your voice is brutal or not, but mine is, so it was life-changing when I realized that I didn’t have to sit down and force myself to write because tough. I can sit down and call to my side a creative muse that is on my side.
Mind. Blown.
That’s why we’re spending this week working with inspirational avatars. Next, you’ll meet my inspiration avatar, Max, who is SUCH A GOOD BOY.
I love this idea so much ❤️