Dear Writer,
I haven’t ever been part of a book group.
I know it seems weird to say for a writer, but I think it was because I was a writer. All my groups were writer groups with other writers. We’d read for each other and critique, but helping a fellow writer shore up a work in progress is different from engaging with a finished book by someone you don’t know as a reader.
I’m kinda jazzed about it. I’ve been reading loads of stories for the past few years, but the format has mostly been television, movies or audiobooks. I don’t physically read that often. For a while, it was impossible because of the trauma. Now, I’m just out of the habit. People have been recommending N.K. Jemisin to me for years, and I’m excited to dive into this book, especially with all of you along for discussion.
Here is the plan for the coming weeks.
We’re reading The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin.
This is a no-spoilers book group. If you’ve already read it, try to keep your responses to just what we’ve read so far.
I’ll post my response to the readings every Saturday, and in that comments section, we’ll have our discussion.
There are reading group questions in the book which I’ll publish with my response to the last reading on June 11, and that will finish up our discussion.
The City We Became Reading Schedule:
Saturday, May 21: Prologue—> Chapter 3
Saturday, May 28: Interruption—>Chapter 8
Saturday, June 4: Chapter 9—>Chapter 12
Saturday, June 11: Chapter 13—>Coda
Saturday, June 18: Reading Group Question Responses
Thanks so much for joining me for this experience! I’m really looking forward to it!
Yay, can't wait for this! I read the Broken Earth Trilogy last year, and started The City We Became last night.
I'm excited. I've had N.K. Jemisin on my TBR list for ages.