Dear Writer,
It’s… almost… November?
How did…? When did? Where…?
Okay, I promised that for the entire month of November I would send out daily… and I mean DAILY, weekends too… Nanowrimo tips and encouragement, AND I WILL. Paid posts will remain as they are now; a letter from me to you every Saturday.
But I just have to say, and I am sorry because everyone says this all the time, it’s like that “Working hard or hardly working?” thing that people say and they don’t know is not funny.
But I’ve seriously had enough of this time nonsense. I know time moves faster as you get older, and there are scientific reasons for that perception, but the pandemic put some wicked moves on my sense of time by both dilating and constricting time simultaneously, which… weird flex but OKAY.
All right. Enough of that whining. We’re all in it together. You’re going through the same thing. So let’s talk about time in terms of story…
I’m finally watching The Crown.
I haven’t watched it until now for a couple of reasons. One, it’s about the royals and they creep me out. Why anyone would ever want to be a royal, I will never understand. It’s just really decadent prison life. Two, it’s a slow start and the colors are all faded and it feels like it’s not even interested in itself. But Gillian Anderson is in it in later seasons and basically, I’ll watch anything with GA except Hannibal because I watched enough Hannibal to know I will not be watching any more Hannibal.
It’s a good show. Just… no.
But anyway, back to The Crown, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, so I’m hanging in. I’m about four episodes into Season 1 and I have yet to find traction in the story, but I love Olivia Colman… who’s coming later… and there’s Gillian Anderson… coming later… and we’ve got John Lithgow in the first season, but ever since he started doing Rudy Guiliani for Stephen Colbert… I can’t see anything else. So I’m watching Rudy Guiliani give advice to the Queen and…
… no.
Also, I’ve been slowly making my way through Season 1 of Farscape because my friends are doing a podcast about it and they’ve invited me to be on the season 1 finale episode, so I’m trying to latch onto that. As most of you know, I have a thing about muppets in that I hate them and I want to burn them all in a big fire.
With the exception of maybe one.
Anyway, I’m getting past the muppet factor in Farscape, but here’s a spoiler for my appearance on MS+T: I will be calling out the constant sex falls for Crichton and Aeryn.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a “sex fall” is, which makes sense since it’s a term I made up, it’s when there’s a couple with chemistry on a TV show and the writers create a scenario where one or both of them lose their balance and they fall, one body on top of the other, and there’s a moment of tension, maybe they stare at each other for a hot second like they want to kiss… but of course they don’t because “Moonlighting.” Or whatever.
I am enjoying it, more than The Crown, but I’m not completely absorbed yet. We’ll see.
And my last discussion of time and TV is the show that I have spent the most time watching in recent months… Ted Lasso.
Now, I’ve already discussed season 2, so we’re not going to talk about that, but rather the amount of time I’ve invested in watching this show over and over again because it makes me happy. I’ve already run through Season 1 like… five times? And I’m in my third run through Season 2.
That feels weird. Is that weird? I mean, there are shows I’ve watched a lot… Buffy, of course; Moonlighting; Northern Exposure; Angel; The Office; Parks and Recreation… but never have I watched something so often in such a short time span. I mean, I only discovered Season 1 in June. If there’s a formula for amount of time you’ve spent watching a show within a particular amount of time, I think Ted Lasso is the all-time winner for me.
What’s yours? Comment below. Let’s chat.
I am curious. What the hell is that muppet?