Dear Writer,
I am moving in 9 days, and while I thought I could draft a novel and move and write Dear Writer every week, it turns out that I can do it, but I’m no longer torturing myself to the point of crying-in-my-sleep exhaustion so that I can feel worthy (which I never did anyway) so yay for healing!
But it means I’m gonna be putting DW on hiatus for a short while as I do all those things.
For those who are paid subscribers (thank you!) I’ll be pausing billing until I come back.
For those who just joined (thank you!) definitely check out the archives. There’s some great stuff there. Here are some of my favorites:
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I’ll be back. In the meantime, don’t forget your sunscreen. Drink more water than you think your body realistically needs. Get your rest.
And never forget that you’re goddamn delightful.
Best of luck with the move!!
Good luck with the move!!!