Dear Writer,
Even if your inspiration avatar isn’t a dog like mine, your Max still wants treats. Inspiration avatars are like magpies; they like shiny things. The shiny thing that your Max responds to may vary, but here are some suggestions.
Soundtracks. Inspiration avatars love music. Build a soundtrack out of new-to-you songs and listen to them when you think about your creative project. When your Max hears you playing it, they’ll come running.
Environment. Not all of us can dedicate one space to our writing, but you can dedicate a few things to your writing, and then pull them out only when you write. For instance, if you write on your laptop while sitting on your bed, burn a scented candle you only use while you write. Wear a hat or a pair of socks that are your writing hat or socks. Create a new user login on your computer with different backgrounds from your usual, and give it access only to the applications you need to write. Make it minimally distracting. Play the ocean sounds, or music. Turn down the lights, or turn them up. Whatever works for you. Think about the ways you can make your writing environment geared toward your goal of calling your Max to you. Your Max will notice.
Creative projects. Collage is my favorite inspiration-related project, but as long as the project is something you can connect to your story, it’ll work. Does your main character knit? Knit the sweater they’re working on. Do they bake? Develop the recipe. Does your character collect things? That can be expensive, so if actually collecting those things is out of reach, do the online shopping and save the images in a folder. Do what your character does, and while you’re doing it, think about the character and their situation. Your Max will be at your side to help you and throw ideas your way.
Research. Find out what it’s like to live where your main character lives. Learn about the meaning of their name. Create their family tree. Find out what kind of training they need to do their job. Choose their birth date, time and place and run their astrological sign. Every bit of knowledge you gain is like hanging a shiny thing on a tree outside your home. Your Max will see what you’ve done, and know you’re ready for them to come by for a visit.
These are just a couple of examples of how you call your Max to your side, but once you do them, you will get more inspirational visits, and the work of creating will come easier.
You don’t have to tough it out.