Unreliable Narrator
Dear Writer,
I have discovered something recently.
I am an unreliable narrator.
For a private podcast version of this Substack which may or may not ever actually happen…
… but which also might be live as you read this for all I know because I am writing to you from the past and I am unpredictable, which is the whole point of today’s letter…*
… I have been reading past Dear Writer letters and realizing that I have made promises and plans for things that I have no idea if I’ll be able to fulfill.
Paid subscribers, remember when I said that I was going to report in on what I was reading every paid Saturday post? Haven’t done that. I also said I’d be moving in September (that’s not happening) and that I was hoping to be full-time at Chipperish by November (hope dashed, sob) and be doing Nanowrimo (it’s not November yet so this is still possible) and be able to spend all day doing writing sprints (well, when I’m not at work, maybe) and what is it they say? Fools plan, and God laughs?
Here’s the reality. I don't know what my life is going to look like tomorrow, let alone next week or next month. Everything’s changing, quickly, and I keep planning and then everything changes, and I have to change the plan.
What I can tell you is that I’m working up a private podcast version of the whole newsletter for paid subscribers. That I am writing this newsletter, every day except Sundays, every week. That I’m gonna try to read, but… so far, little progress, but you’ll be hearing about some of that progress tomorrow.
I can promise you that I’ll be here, writing to you, no matter what happens.
Probably. I mean, come on. You can’t trust me. Clearly.
*Note: It’s live, but I only have the first two weeks done as of this writing. Paid subscribers, you’ll find the link in the Psst. Bonus Nonsense post from August 8.