Dear Writer,
I do this thing where I think I can do more than I can actually do and then I plan to Do All The Things…
… and then I fall into a heap weeping on the floor and I don’t know why and then I realize that ohhhhhhhhh, it’s because it’s not humanly possible to Do All The Things. I can’t work full-time and move to Colorado and keep up podcasting every week and writing Dear Writer twice a week. I mean… I think I can…
… but really, I absolutely cannot.
Now, I know you understand and I know that I have spent the last eight months (OH MY GOD IT’S BEEN EIGHT MONTHS) telling you all that perfectionism is a trauma response and to lighten up a bit on yourselves but it’s easier to give advice than it is to take it.
But now… I’m gonna take my own advice, stop setting unreasonable expectations for myself, and take a couple weeks off. Tomorrow’s letter will be the last until March 16, when I will return to writing Dear Writer on the reg and tell you everything about the move to Colorado and share any interesting insights I might have had along the way.
You never know. I could have an insight while moving cross country. Anything is possible.
I love writing to you every week. Thank you for making that possible.
The move to Colorado! If it’s near Fort Collins I’ll buy you a coffee, and explain how to pronounce the state name so you aren’t mocked. That is, if you’re not from around here…
Best of luck for a good move and lots of rest in your time off, Lani.