The move to Colorado! If it’s near Fort Collins I’ll buy you a coffee, and explain how to pronounce the state name so you aren’t mocked. That is, if you’re not from around here…

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LOL, wait. There's a trick to pronunciation? I'm not a native but my boyfriend is. Interesting... and thank you for the offer. We're not far from Fort Collins. We'll be in Denver.

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Best of luck for a good move and lots of rest in your time off, Lani.

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So many of us learned to pronounce the state's name from John Denver, in Rocky Mountain High, where he sings about Col-o-RAH-do. But when you actually move here, you learn that the natives all say Col-o-RAAAAA-do, with a nasal thing going on. It's taken me five years to migrate toward saying it like the locals. I'm still self-conscious about it...

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