Dear Writer, This week appears to be imposter syndrome week on Dear Writer. Good. I love a theme. In season 1 of my podcast Big Strong Yes, my co-host Dr. Kelly Jones and I talked about the voice inside that tells us we’re not good enough, which is quickly followed by the “who do you think you are?” voice, and between these two inner voices, there is often absolutely no daylight in which you get to just be what you are and that’s okay.
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Dear Writer, This week appears to be imposter syndrome week on Dear Writer. Good. I love a theme. In season 1 of my podcast Big Strong Yes, my co-host Dr. Kelly Jones and I talked about the voice inside that tells us we’re not good enough, which is quickly followed by the “who do you think you are?” voice, and between these two inner voices, there is often absolutely no daylight in which you get to just be what you are and that’s okay.